What I Have Learnt So Far

I am really enjoying the Teacher Challenge. I am finding out many things about setting up and maintaining a blog, about getting involved with the conversations and good tips for to use with my students.

  • Pages were a mystery that I had not even thought about but they make perfect sense after reading Sue’s excellent explanation on Monday
  • Replying to comments is vital – not just good manners as that is how you start the conversations.
  • The focus of a blog may shift over time and this is fine.
  • Read, re-read and then re-read some more before you click the post or reply button.
  • Slow down and check your typing.
  • Following the conversations in the Discussions Questions section of the Teacher Challenge blog had been frustrating me until this morning when I worked out how to add the feed for each of the individual question’s comment thread to my Google Reader. Up until then I only had the feed for the new questions coming through and not the comments.
  • Getting a blogging culture going in a classroom or school will take time and you can do it a step at a time.

I am very appreciative of the time and effort that has gone in to setting up this challenge. It reinforces, for me, the positive aspects of being part of an internet connected community.

16 thoughts on “What I Have Learnt So Far

  1. Nancy Carroll January 20, 2011 / 1:21 pm

    Hi –
    I think you have done a nice job summing up what you have learned. I think this challenge has been good for many of us. The pages thing was like a ‘aha’ moment and now I struggle with what pages to add. Your advice about slowing down and it takes time building a culture (and a blog) ring true. Thanks for putting into words what I haven’t been able to do yet!.

    • Mrs S January 20, 2011 / 1:33 pm

      Thanks, Nancy.
      I am very glad that I am holidays at the moment and have got some time to devote to exploring this Challenge. I am wondering how well I would be doing if I was back in term time routines.

  2. Oona January 20, 2011 / 6:10 am

    Hello once again. What is a Google Reader? So much is new to me.

    • Mrs S January 20, 2011 / 7:14 am

      Hi Oona

      Google Reader is a RSS feed reader which means that instead of you having to go and check all the blogs or websites you like to see if they have added new things you subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed and it comes to you.

      RSS is listed as the last topic (no 11) to be explored as part of our Teacher Challenge.

      I find that having new blog posts, comments and information come to me is a more organised way of looking through the huge amount of information out there in the internet.
      Edited later in the day to add:

      Wow – they are mind readers at the Teacher Challenge as the next beginner post #4 has just been added and it deals with Google Reader.

  3. Penny Bentley January 19, 2011 / 4:42 pm

    You have made some great points…thanks for sharing.
    Your point about the changing focus of a blog is so true…and it is fine. Using categories is good way to keep track of the different topics blogged about over time.

    • Mrs S January 19, 2011 / 6:22 pm

      Thanks, Penny, I had used categories previously but not tags until starting the Challenge. Interestingly I managed to make the Categories widget disappear from the side panel of my blog and I have not yet found out how to get it back. I added the tags widget to the side panel instead. Maybe later in the Challenge I will gain some insight into where it went.

      • Miss W. January 20, 2011 / 8:02 pm

        Tracey, to add the categories go to your dashboard, appearance>widgets and drag categories across to the sidebar.

        • Mrs S January 20, 2011 / 8:10 pm

          I wish it was that simple, Sue but when I go to Appearances>widgets it simply does not show up anywhere in the list of widgets. Not in the top box of available widgets or in the bottom box of Inactive widgets. There are lots of other to choose from but not one says Categories anymore.

          • Penny Bentley January 20, 2011 / 10:08 pm

            Mrs S
            I can see that you have categories listed with each post eg professional development. When I click on it the “archives for the professional development category” comes up.
            The categories and archives seem to be linked somehow. I’ve no idea what to suggest….sorry.

  4. Oona January 19, 2011 / 3:06 pm

    Hi Mrs S
    I am a Mrs S too- easier to write than Mrs Scanlan repeatedly with the kids.

    I think it is helpful to be continually reflective about our learning and Haven’t we learned a lot!
    I agree -what a wealth of knowledge, feedback and help we have had throughout this challenge. What a huge amount of committment, patience and passion those who organised this challenge must have to take this on. from Oona

    • Mrs S January 19, 2011 / 6:19 pm

      Thanks, Oona, I have blogged before but this challenge has already given me a greater insight into some of the technical aspects and led me to some more blogs to add to my Google Reader.

  5. Karla January 19, 2011 / 2:41 pm

    Mrs S,

    Thanks for posting a comment on my page. I agree with you, replying to comment posts is important. I think it helps to build your readership if people feel appreciated for taking the time to share their thoughts with you. I’m already building an online community of teachers and I didn’t really realise until just then!

    It is demanding and a little overwhelming though keeping up with all the comments and conversations!

    I like the idea that a blogs focus may change over time and that it is OK if that happens. I’m hoping to build a blogging culture this year at school so fingers crossed it goes OK.

    • Mrs S January 19, 2011 / 6:27 pm

      I agree, Karla, it all seems a little overwhelming at the moment. I think that things will settle in time as we sort out when we need to comment and when a discussion can be left as a resource to look back through. I am hoping to continue a pilot blogging program that I started late last year as my first small steps to encouraging a blogging culture at my school.

  6. Carole January 19, 2011 / 1:12 pm

    Hi Mrs S
    I really appreciate your emphasis on slowing down and proof-reading! How true, and how often I wish for an undo button on comments.
    Thanks for the tip about the Discussion threads, using Google reader. I’ll have to play with that next.
    magnificent photos!

    • Mrs S January 19, 2011 / 6:17 pm

      I am still struggling with the slow down and proofread part of things. My fingers struggle to keep up with what is going through my head. I will re-read a post several days after having published it and find a typo that needs to be fixed. I will re-read and realize that I have not been very clear with my writing. Participating in the Teacher Challenge is certainly giving me an appreciation of how much learning is involved in both the technical aspects and the communicating aspect.

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